Tough Skins

Digital Sculpting

 Taking it back to the basics. The skeletal system is where it will all begin.

 August 23,2012.  Face anatomy

W.I.P. of the face. I've watched a lot of Ryan Kingslien's videos on You Tube and he explains the facial anatomy and makes it easy to really understand how things work with the anatomy not just for the face, but the skeletal system, muscle hierarchy, and Zbrush it self . I suggest watching them. He has a couple of site of which are kind of pricy, but chalked full of useful information.

August 28th,2012
A W.I.P of a harpy from the story that I did a Book Publishing assignment. Originally it was painted on Photoshop, but wanted to try my hand at it in Zbrush.

A baby penguin, It was a quick sculpt to play with fiber mesh. About 3 hours majority of that time was spent of the fiber mesh. Any suggestions? 

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